Posts tagged clojure
Clojure Spec
- 24 October 2021
Note: Instrumentation only works for :args in a function definition. :fn and :ret are only used during generative / property based testing.
- 30 December 2020
Here is an example how you can enhance the vanilla clj tool:
Graphing (n more) Libraries
- 30 December 2020
Here are some of the graphing libraries that I have found:
Unmap a symbol from a namespace
- 17 February 2020
The simplest would be to update the expression that loads everything e.g.:
Clojure runner
- 17 February 2020
The runner, invoked by calling clojure or simply clj is a tool/script to invoke the clojure compiler and the repl.
Function composition
- 04 December 2019
Here are a few ways to create new functions from existing functions:
Generate project dependency graph
- 13 November 2019
ns-dep-graph is a lein plugin for visualizing the dependency graph of a project.