Preflight Requests

A preflight request is a CORS (Cross Origin Request Sharing) request to check if the CORS protocol is understood by the server.

Understanding CORS is a prerequisite for understanding preflight requests. Here are some rules:

  • CORS is basically a front-end safety mechanism. For older browsers, this doesn’t work even if the server supports it.

  • CORS only applies to AJAX (XHR) requests.

  • CORS for cross domain form posting doesn’t apply (for backward compatibility reasons)

For simple requests, preflight requests are not sent. In a nut-shell, a simple request can be either:

  • A request with method GET, HEAD, or POST

  • POST requests with certain values for Content-Type header

  • Only some headers are allowed

Caching preflight requests

Caching pre-flight requests can be done using the header: Access-Control-Max-Age.

The cache works for exactly the same url used before. If anything changes e.g. query param due to search, the cache isn’t used.