Preflight Requests¶
A preflight request is a CORS (Cross Origin Request Sharing) request to check if the CORS protocol is understood by the server.
Understanding CORS is a prerequisite for understanding preflight requests. Here are some rules:
CORS is basically a front-end safety mechanism. For older browsers, this doesn’t work even if the server supports it.
CORS only applies to AJAX (XHR) requests.
CORS for cross domain form posting doesn’t apply (for backward compatibility reasons)
For simple requests, preflight requests are not sent. In a nut-shell, a simple request can be either:
A request with method GET, HEAD, or POST
POST requests with certain values for Content-Type header
Only some headers are allowed
Caching preflight requests¶
Caching pre-flight requests can be done using the header: Access-Control-Max-Age.
The cache works for exactly the same url used before. If anything changes e.g. query param due to search, the cache isn’t used.