Getting started

Emacs uses CIDER to work with clojure. There are quirks that I am getting used to but the following is good enough to get started. CIDER comes packaged with the spacemacs clojure layer.

lein vs clj

I have been using lein for clojure but I couldn’t make hot reloading and form evaluation within the editory work at the same time. clj tools seem to work better.


Create a new project

clj -A:new figwheel-main app.core -- --reagent

Create and connect to a repl

Create a .dir-locals.el file in the root of the project:

((clojurescript-mode . ((cider-default-cljs-repl . figwheel-main)
                        (cider-clojure-cli-global-options . "-A:fig")

Create a repl and connect to it:
