Failed to pull docker image in pod - Status: ImagePullBackOff

List the pods

snap run kubectl get pods

NAME                     READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
dummy-5dfb4dd68b-2k5lz   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          5m20s

Inspect specific pod

Why did that fail?

snap run kubectl describe pod dummy-5dfb4dd68b-2k5lz

  Type     Reason             Age                    From               Message
  ----     ------             ----                   ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled          3m38s                  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/dummy-5dfb4dd68b-2k5lz to darkman
  Normal   Pulling            2m57s (x3 over 3m37s)  kubelet, darkman   Pulling image "ahmadnazir/dummy-server"
  Warning  Failed             2m56s (x3 over 3m36s)  kubelet, darkman   Failed to pull image "ahmadnazir/dummy-server": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to resolve image "": no available registry endpoint: not found
  Warning  Failed             2m56s (x3 over 3m36s)  kubelet, darkman   Error: ErrImagePull
  Warning  MissingClusterDNS  2m33s (x8 over 3m37s)  kubelet, darkman   pod: "dummy-5dfb4dd68b-2k5lz_default(b6b34966-7614-11e9-802c-482ae332735d)". kubelet does not have ClusterDNS IP configured and cannot create Pod using "ClusterFirst" policy. Falling back to "Default" policy.
  Normal   BackOff            2m33s (x4 over 3m35s)  kubelet, darkman   Back-off pulling image "ahmadnazir/dummy-server"
  Warning  Failed             2m33s (x4 over 3m35s)  kubelet, darkman   Error: ImagePullBackOff

The image doesn’t exist. Now I realize that I was missing the tag. It should’ve been ahmadnazir/dummy-server:0.1