Setting up Jupyter locallyΒΆ

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 -p 4040:4040 \
  --name jupyter \
  --user root \
  jupyter/pyspark-notebook bash

pip install sparkmagic==0.13.1
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension # ensure that the extension is installed
cd `pip show sparkmagic | grep Location | awk '{print $2}'`
jupyter-kernelspec install sparkmagic/kernels/pysparkkernel
jupyter serverextension enable --py sparkmagic


  "kernel_python_credentials" : {
    "username": "{USERNAME}",
    "base64_password": "{BASE64ENCODEDPASSWORD}",
    "url": "https://{CLUSTERDNSNAME}"

  "kernel_scala_credentials" : {
    "username": "{USERNAME}",
    "base64_password": "{BASE64ENCODEDPASSWORD}",
    "url": "https://{CLUSTERDNSNAME}"

  "custom_headers" : {
    "X-Requested-By": "livy"

  "heartbeat_refresh_seconds": 5,
  "livy_server_heartbeat_timeout_seconds": 60,
  "heartbeat_retry_seconds": 1

Start the process:

jupyter notebook --allow-root &

Web login:

jupyter notebook list | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F = '{print $2}'