
terraform init

Initialize the state.

terraform plan

Dry run the plan

terraform apply

Perform the provisions by creating a plan using the terraform state.

The State!

Terraform keeps the view of the world (whatever has been provisioned) in the form of local state. It is kept offline and is not synced automatically. If the resources are already provisioned, then the state must be imported

terraform import module.resource_group.azurerm_resource_group.resource_group /subscriptions/59d6db65-221b-45ce-8f2b-5689b25c4f28/resourceGroups/rg-dev1-westus2-universe

Removing resources

You can only do this from the command line:

terraform destroy -target=azurerm_storage_table.table
terraform destroy -target=module.storage_account.azurerm_storage_account.storage_account